Sunday, June 13, 2010

Health Symptom Information - Bikie denied bail over airport death

Health Symptom Information - Bikie denied bail over airport death: "Five Comancheros members remain behind bars after a magistrate refused bail for the latest man charged with affray over the fatal bikie brawl at Sydney airport.
In refusing bail for puma drift cat Christian Menzies, magistrate Allan Moore described the brawl as “a most serious matter”, occurring in a public arena in the middle of the day.
“I am told the prosecuting authorities have witnesses who have given statements involving this gentleman in the affray,” he said in Sydney’s Central Local Court on Wednesday.
Menzies, a 26-year-old bricklayer, is the fifth man charged with affray over the airport puma shoes brawl involving Hells Angels and Comancheros on March 22."

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