Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Angels fear tax man hell as legal fight fails | Herald Sun

Angels fear tax man hell as legal fight fails | Herald Sun: "TOP Hells Angels bikies will be forced to answer questions about tax fraud and how they pay for their extravagant lifestyles after losing a court challenge against the Australian Crime Commission yesterday. The bikies fought tooth and nail against being dragged before the top crime-fighting body after
nationwide raids on their homes in a crackdown on the gang's illegal activities last year.
Their lawyers sought an injunction to block the examinations, arguing that not only were the commission's search and arrest warrants invalid but so was a secret meeting in a Darwin hotel room between the country's police commissioners to finalise the raids.
The Federal Court rejection of their challenge means 12 of the bikie bosses will be quizzed about their present, future and past involvement in the Hells Angels as long ago as 19 years. Their identities have been suppressed."

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