Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'Directing force' of violent drug ring sentenced eight years

'Directing force' of violent drug ring sentenced eight years: "Ottawa Hells Angels Nomads member who headed up a violent cocaine trafficking ring that aimed to take over the drug trade in communities along Highway 401 was sentenced to eight years in prison Tuesday.
However, despite admitting to being what a judge described as the 'directing force' of the group targeting Brockville, Prescott and Gananoque, Mario 'Five Cent' Sincennes' sentence ended up being two years less than that handed down to one of his underlings. Sincennes had managed to avoid much of the 'hands-on' involvement in the criminal organization.
Ontario Court Justice Ann Alder said the evidence against Sincennes may not have been as strong, but it was clear he was in charge of an organization that moved 'substantial' amounts of cocaine with 'total disregard' for consequences to drug users and the community at large.
'It destroys life, it terrorizes individuals, communities and it's all done for one reason only, and that is for greed and that is for profit and that is not acceptable,' Alder said, adding Sincennes would have faced a sentence of more than 10 years had he been convicted at trial.
Sincennes, 46, pleaded guilty to conspiring with a criminal organization to traffic cocaine, conspiring with a criminal organization to possess the proceeds of crime and instructing someone to commit a criminal offence for the benefit of a criminal organization."

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