Saturday, June 26, 2010

guts and glory

Black eyes, smashed noses, torn lips and shredded flesh. No we haven't just witnessed a westside brawl but the Dsquared f/w 2010 mens parade. Dsquared once again drew our attention to the absurd, playing on the macarbe fetish that has swept pop culture in the past few years with the rise of dark-romanticism through the success of the twighlight phenomenon. Dsquared have captured the beauty in the brutal, showing us a sexy, rugged and dangerous side to their branding.

I don't know about you but blood dripping all over catwalk added another dimension to the clothing which would otherwise be surprisingly average. Dsquared have once again taken their audience on a compelling journey through their incredible talent for storytelling.

Enjoy the blood, guts and glory. Photos from Getty's Images

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