Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gang boss rips up truce with rivals

Gang boss rips up truce with rivals: "leader of the Banditos motorcycle gang, Jim Tinndahn, has personally torn to pieces a 12-year-old truce made with rivals Hells Angels after the latter allegedly recruited Banditos members in Aalborg, reports Politiken newspaper.
According to Tinndahn, the Hells Angels recruited six former Banditos members from the gang’s two Aalborg chapters – an action which he said was in clear violation of the spirit of the agreement.
Tinndahn, who is head of the Banditos for all of Europe and Asia, said the only way to patch up the problem was for the six new Hells Angels recruits to leave Denmark. Sweden would probably not be an option for them, however, as that is Tinndahn’s home country.
But the Swede said he hoped the ‘reasonable’ leaders from the gangs would be able to resolve the conflict.
‘It makes me angry and it makes all Banditos angry,’ Tinndahl told Politiken. ‘But we still have some back doors open where the groups can talk to each other.’
Tinndahl said he doubted ripping up the truce would lead to renewed violence between the two gangs. He added, however, that he could not control every single Banditos member – mentioning in particular the younger ones.
‘I can say to them that we don’t want any trouble, and we can also say to them that if they go into the city they have to have higher-ranking members with them. But that’s a bit more difficult,’ he said.
Kim Kliver, the head of the National Police’s investigation centre, said the police would be keeping an eye on the situation."

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