Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kingdon receives suspended sentence

Kingdon receives suspended sentence - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): "The partner of a prominent Perth bikie gang member has been given a suspended jail term for stealing trust fund money.

Tammy Cherie Kingdon, 34, was found guilty of stealing more than $53,000 which had been put into trust accounts for the children of a member and an associate of the Coffin Cheaters who had died.

Kingdon, who is the partner of Finks bikie gang memberTroy Mercanti, put the money towards purchasing a property that became the Finks gang clubhouse, just months after Mercanti left the Coffin Cheaters.

District Court Judge John Wisbey said there were compelling personal circumstances which justified giving Kingdon a two year suspended jail term.

The Court was also told she had reimbursed the trust accounts.

Supporters of Kingdon in the public gallery clapped when the judge said the jail term would be suspended."

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