Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mom Boucher stabbed in prison brawl: reports

Mom Boucher stabbed in prison brawl: reports: "high-ranking member of the Hells Angels currently serving three life sentences in a Montreal-area jail was reportedly one of two men stabbed within the facility on Saturday.
Various media outlets are reporting that Maurice (Mom) Boucher received only minor injuries in the altercation in the Ste. Anne des Plaines detention centre.
Sûreté du Québec spokesperson Claude Ross confirmed the SQ responded to reports of an incident in the facility, where Boucher has been held for the past eight years, at around 3:15 p.m. There were four men involved in the altercation, Ross said, and two were injured. When the SQ arrived to escort them to hospital, they refused, leading investigators to conclude their wounds were not severe.
Investigators were still on the scene Saturday night meeting with all four men, Ross said. He could not confirm if Boucher was involved in the incident.
Boucher, the former leader of the Hells Angels' Montreal chapter, was convicted in 2002 of ordering the deaths of prison guards in an attempt to intimidate Quebec justice officials.
He survived a previous attack involving a makeshift knife in the prison's common room later that same year. Boucher was only slightly injured, but his attacker was stabbed 21 times by five other inmates who rushed to Boucher's aid."

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