Friday, October 1, 2010

Hells Angel Peter Zervas had allegedly moved to the top of the Comanchero hit list.

Court told bikies planned Zervas hit | The Daily Telegraph: "In the aftermath of his brother's violent death in a Sydney Airport brawl last year, Hells Angel Peter Zervas had allegedly moved to the top of the Comanchero hit list.
Police allege in documents filed in court that a former Comanchero insider told police of covert meetings to discuss the hit on Zervas.
One meeting of junior members was allegedly told the order to 'knock' Zervas 'came straight from Dakka'.
Police allege in the document, tendered to Waverley Local Court, that 'Dakka' is the nickname of Daux Ngakuru - the current boss of the Comanchero gang.
Brothers Richard and Christopher Fong are charged with conspiracy to murder and participating in a criminal gang. Ngakuru has not been charged.
Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.Zervas was shot up to eight times in his driveway a week after Anthony was fatally bashed at Sydney Airport."

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