Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hermanos motorcycle chapter president Bryan M. Lukezich was arrested Monday along with road captain Steven Jay Beal

Authorities target motorcycle gang in raids - KIVITV.COM | Boise. News, Breaking News, Weather and Sports-: "Bonner County officials have arrested three members of a motorcycle club and have warrants for two others after a grand jury investigation into a range of criminal activity in the county.
Hermanos motorcycle chapter president Bryan M. Lukezich was arrested Monday along with road captain Steven Jay Beal and a third chapter member, Dale Champine. All three are charged with criminal gang recruitment. Beal and Champine are also charged with obliterating identification numbers of motor vehicle parts while Champine is also charged with grand theft.
The Bonner County Daily Bee reports that two other members are being sought on warrants for criminal gang recruitment, while another man who police say runs in the same social circles faces drug and grand theft charges"

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