As I was listening to my Elvis Presley music I realized that I haven't been keeping my promise. I know I've been talking a lot about political issues; I haven't posted anything yet on technology. So I started this series of "TECH Update" where I'll give feedback and references on new devices and tools. This first tech update will concentrate on improving your online experience.
Google Blogger allows me to track a lot about my audience including what country you are from, what operating system you are using, and what web browser you all use. I've only had this blog for about 4-5 days and have already had 133 page views which is GREAT, considering others I know of, who have been doing this for months and have far less than myself (I also know that it isn't one or two people who have been on the website thanks to my Stats). So far I my audience is mainly from the United States but seem to have some followers in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Spain.
Based on my all-time statistics, 41% of you use Google Chrome (my favorite), 30% use Firefox (also a good choice), 27% use Internet Explorer (we will discuss this shortly), 1% use Opera (small but innovative), and the final 1% use Safari (also good). 91% of you use Windows OS, 5% use Macs, and others 3% use other operating systems.
The use of operating systems seems to follow global trends where Windows dominates more than 90% of the market and Macs growing slightly; whatever else is left is used by other systems. If you don't know what extensions are for your browser, get to know them. They are tools that you download to your browsers that will enhance your online experience. For all you Google Chrome users, there are the Top 10 Chrome extensions. As for those using Firefox (including myself eagerly waiting the newest release) here are the Top 10 Firefox Add-ons.
Having never used Opera I can't personally recommend any extensions for that browser mostly because it's extensions gallery is brand new and most are still in the works. If you are still using Internet Explorer, you really have to move on. Most users use it because it is the default browser on their Microsoft Operating System. The fact is, Explorer, like Windows is the largest target for viruses and malicious content. It is also the weakest when it comes to protection (for that go to Firefox, though Chrome is making strides) and SEVERELY lags behind others in speed and adaption to the HTML 5 internet (for speed choose Chrome). Chrome is improving it's protection, and Firefox is improving its speed. Windows just recently started working on speed and protection as it is losing more and more of the browser market.
If you looked at the Top Ten Lists attached, you may notice some repetition, that's because the same companies make extensions for both browsers. From personal use, I would recommend Ad-block and Ad-block plus as well as FastestFox and FastestChrome (depending on your browser).I would also greatly reccomend the WOT Security protection in both browsers which helps give you feedback on websites and their security, including through your Google searches. If using Chrome and you are a "share-a-holic" I would advise getting the Share-a-holic extension (which I use) to immediately post any website onto Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Google Mail, etc.
If you are the kind of person that finds themselves having dozens of tabs in your browser opened at the same time, you can get Too Many Tabs in both Firefox and Chrome that will GREATLY help you organize your tabs. I would recommend both as I've used it in both browsers.
I haven't connected many links, because you can find all the extensions in the lists I've attached, but if you really can't find one, just Google it and it should take you to the page. These will all make finding information, sharing it, protecting you, and removing annoying ads on the internet much easier. I would recommend something I haven't used, but feel free to explore their extensions gallery. As for you Internet Explorer users out there, the only thing I can recommend is to move on. Windows has made strides with it's latest update, but it still lags behind and steals ideas more often that creating them. I was an avid Chrome user (and got my entire family to use Chrome) until I was forced to use Firefox for compatibility reasons with my university.
For my next TECH Update I'll show you tools to make your real world experience easier using online tools.
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