I was writing out a long and beautiful piece about cultural relativism, and how we should all work with compassion to make the world a better place, that is, until I noticed a horrifying statistic. The number of page views from YOU, the reader, using Internet Explorer has now moved to second place. 39% of you use Google's Chrome, and now, 31% of you use Internet Explorer while 26% use Firefox. So WHY, you ask, have I put off a great piece to discuss your browser use? Because using a good browser affects how you experience this blog!
So let's discuss this. I will begin by saying that there was a time where I unknowingly used Internet Explorer because it came with the computer but today you don't have to. Yes, IE is the most used web browser in the world, but it is VERY quickly losing market share. In fact, when counting individual versions, Firefox comes out on top. To those that follow this blog, this isn't the first time I've spoken out against IE (See my older TECH Update post).
The fact is, Internet Explorer (in its current versions) should be abandoned by YOU, for several reasons (I'll try skipping all the technical mumbo jumbo). Being part of anything Windows, IE browsers have millions upon MILLIONS of viruses and worms attacking them every day, and while Windows may tout that it blocks many of them, you must always be cautious in taking up such a high value target. In addition, IE fails behind Google's Chrome, and Mozilla's Firefox (both their new versions) in privacy, protection, speed, web developer tools (which means less add-ons to enhance your web experience), and also (probably the most important) compatibility.
On that last point of compatibility. If you are using ANYTHING other than the newest available IE, you REALLY should move on, I am BEGGING that you do. The amount of headaches that you are subjecting yourself to because you just "don't want to change, and am used to it" will make your entire online experience 10 times worse. Not only that, if you are using anything less than IE8, there are a huge amount of websites that can't be seen, experienced, read, or used the way their designers intended them to be. But that's not all folks! By continuing to use such old browsers, you keep everyone and the entire internet behind with you. When large amounts of people refuse to upgrade to the newest web browser, websites must be designed to accommodate that aging browsers of IE 6 and IE7. That means, less website capabilities, uniqueness in design, protection, and just all round suck-i-ness. So please, STOP, right now if you have anything old than IE8, and google for an upgrade.... now!
If you are using IE8, there are several things you can do. You can choose the faster alternative that updates by itself (so you never have to lift a finger) and will always stay up to date with me, the techworld and la interneta! That choice would be Google Chrome (they also do pretty well on protection). Click here to get Google's Chrome. If you are worried about trying something new, here are some demos. and Click here for the U.K. Youtube video for Chrome that uses a really interested display to explain Chrome to you.
If you want to choose the browser that is stronger on internet protection, go with Firefox. Click here to get Mozilla's Firefox. Firefox is also coming out with a newer version of itself soon that will make it just as fast, if not faster and lighter than Google's Chrome! Exciting stuff in the Browser Wars!!! For a list of extensions that will enhance your online experience, see my older post here.
If you still aren't convinced to leave IE, let me try throwing this at you: the IE team is not an engineering company. There is a reason companies love Apple or Facebook. There is a reason why companies like Google, and even the very small Opera browser get so much attention: because they engineer products, and they do so on a regular basis. There is nothing revolutionary in IE8. If fact when it was first presented the "tech world" mocked Windows because it acted as if its development was brand spankin' new! Everyone knew that they were ripping off Firefox and now Chrome. Apple, Facebook, Google are constantly changing the technology we use on a regular basis. On this, Windows failed for a long time and is just now catching up. Stick with companies that engineer because they will bring you the greatest experiences you will need. If you are the staunch IE defender check out this critique of Window's "comparison" of browsers.
But let's say you are going to suffer a stroke if you switched to any other browser. Or let's say you have an odd obsession with IE and Windows, or you have a pillow that has "I <3 IE," there is a bit of hope. Windows is actively working on (finally) IE9. Although still in beta, it is expected to be a great leap (not ahead of everyone else) but TOWARD everyone else. So it's not all bad. Windows is catching up, and with this latest browser, Windows will (hopefully) upgrade to catch up with Chrome and Firefox. Even though it is still in beta testing, I implore you to at least upgrade to it's beta form. It will be glitchy, but it will be a jump from IE8. Plus, you will be able to send feedback back to Microsoft with any issues you have. See the newer beta version of IE9 here. and here you can find some articles reviewing the IE9 beta release.
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