Thursday, April 7, 2011


If I ruled the schools, from pole to pole
the entire judicial system would fold
I would get rid of the books cause they bogus
and in school, Knowledge of Self would be the focus
Kids would flock to the schools like locusts
Cause school now relates to them, and you would notice
violence in society would be a minimal
Cause the education yeah, would now be metaphysical
Not livin by laws, but livin by principal
If you disobey, the UNIVERSE gets with you
We would study giving so no one would steal
And we would read each other's magnetic fields
Petty crimes times petty crimes
equals prison for lifetimes
The universe divided by two
equals me and you
Me and you, go into the universe once
or as one united front
But listen up, when I was growin up in hip-hoppin
we had a thing called Jailhouse Boxin
That's why I'm STILL here rockin
cause my competition never pulled a Glock in, yeah
Squash ALl Beef

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