Saturday, August 14, 2010

Phoenix 2002 slaying tied to biker gang remains unsolved

Phoenix 2002 slaying tied to biker gang remains unsolved: "Joshua Harber's family said he joined a motorcycle gang six months before he was shot and killed outside a north Phoenix bar in 2002.
Eight years later, the 25-year-old's relatives continue to struggle to understand a motive in the murder, which remains unsolved as detectives hope for anonymous tips to identify a suspect.
His mother, Cindy Harber, said the anniversary of her son's slaying came and went on June 9 with little attention. A $5,000 reward is available for information leading to an arrest or indictment in the murder. But the case remains cold.
Harber's death received a notation in the 2006 book 'Angels of Death: Inside the Biker Gangs' Crime Empire.'
Some information on the slaying suggested that the California native wanted out of the gang, and was killed for trying to leave, according to investigators. Other details suggested he was killed by a rival gang member. However, Phoenix police detectives said the facts could remain unclear unless a witness comes forward."

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