If you don't want to watch the video here is a list I compiled. I raked the entire internet and every list I came by was either by Left Wing Larry who celebrated the smallest things such as 'Obama ordering departments to recommend cuts in spending' or Right Wing Ronnie who refused to acknowledge any successes while labeling him a Muslim Communist, so I compiled my own list (random):
- Wall Street Reform
- Healthcare reform
- Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Second Stimulus (forget what they called it)
- Tobacco regulation
- Ended Iraq War
- Refocused on Afghanistan-- surges
- New Start Treaty
- DADT repealed
- Credit Card Reform
- New Sanctions against Iran (AFTER talking to them)
- Mathew Shephard Hate Act
- Student Loan Reform
- Education Reform
- Banned Torture and signed executive order to close Guantanamo (but still open, in process)
- Got both his Supreme Court picks onto court.
This list doesn't count important things like how he's improved relations with most of the world, including Muslim World, or his signature that greatly expanded conservatory efforts or his expansion of SCHIP. The listed are just what I consider to be his greatest successes in his first to years.
Just for context, they may just be listed here and not seem that much, but these are his largest legislative and political victories (or at least in my opinion). I may be missing a few, feel free to suggest, however, their importance should never be understated. Regardless of whether you agree with the policies or not, the amount he has accomplished is truly amazing because all these laws have such massive effects in and of themselves; compiling them together to a reader that understands their impact is world changing. My history may be shaky, but I don't believe I've seen a more progressive first two years in anytime in the past 40-50 years for a president of the U.S. (if you feel that's an overstatement, prove me wrong.) He is also greatly admired.
If you are wondering why the old picture instead of one when he's president; I just say, why not?
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