Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hells Angels arrive in Prague, some detained | Prague Monitor

Hells Angels arrive in Prague, some detained | Prague Monitor: "global meeting of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) are coming to Prague, the commercial television station Nova said yesterday, adding that the police have detained 15 foreigners in connection with the event.
Foreigner police spokeswoman Katerina Rendlova told CTK in the afternoon that the foreigner police had arrested one of the members of the HAMC at a border crossing with Poland.
While checking him, the police found it was a Finnish citizen registered as undesirable and expelled him from the country, Rendlova said.
Prague police spokeswoman Andrea Zoulova said in the afternoon that about 100 participants in the meeting had arrived for Prague, while others were coming.
The Prague police have prepared a special traffic security action focusing on checks of HAMC followers, she added.
Hells Angels meet every year in a different European town.
In Prague, this is the second meeting. The first took place in 2005.
The first cell of the Hells Angels was established in Fontana, California, on March 17. 1948.
Some observers say the HAMC is involved in drug dealing, blackmail and illegal arms trafficking"

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