Sunday, December 21, 2008

names of the biker gangs involved in the melee are not being released

It happened Saturday at the Special Memory Wedding Chapel in Downtown Las Vegas. The Manager of the chapel said they'd inadvertently scheduled the ceremonies back-to-back, not knowing the gang members were going to be there. As the first ceremony was finishing, another wedding attended by rival gang members, was scheduled. As the rival gang members arrived it wasn't long before the scuffle was underway.
That's when two people were stabbed in the melee. The extent of the injuries or where the injured were taken is not known.Metro quickly descended on the scene and the Gang Unit is said to have taken over the investigation. Lieutenant Richard Fletcher with Metro says there is video of the incident, "We have some video that we are reviewing. It won't be released at this time. It has been turned over to detectives."The names of the biker gangs involved in the melee are not being released. The investigation into the brawl is continuing.

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