Friday, November 21, 2008

Hells Angels attempted murder trial brought nearly two dozen motorcycle club members into a Sioux Falls courtroom

The bikers are gone but at its peak, the Hells Angels attempted murder trial brought nearly two dozen motorcycle club members into a Sioux Falls courtroom. It also brought extra security to the Minnehaha County Courthouse.
And, even with the not guilty verdict, the Sheriff is calling the case a success.
When Hells Angels members swarmed the Minnehaha County courthouse, Sheriff Mike Milstead prepared for the worst. Minnehaha County Sheriff Mike Milstead says, "We always knew that if nothing happens we probably did too much. If something happened, somebody would probably say we didn't do enough, but I think we did the right level." On any given day Milstead says 12 different agencies were present in and around the courthouse in uniform and undercover. All the extra metal detectors, officers and patrols were all part of the plan to keep the peace.
Milstead says, "I wouldn't want to get into exactly how many there were, but I will say that you saw some of them, but not all of them. Certainly we were geared up as we felt appropriate to make sure that we'd have a safe environment for a trial."
Now that the trial is over, Milstead says his deputies and local law enforcement can learn from the security lockdown. Milstead says, "We've had a good experience here in operating certain systems and certain plans, and I think it will be beneficial for us in the long run." As for how much the three week trial cost the county, Milstead says they're still totaling up those bills. But, because the case was moved from Custer county all of the overtime, jail expenses and court costs will be sent to Custer county.

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