Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hell’s Angels Club

Hell's Angels Hamburg Germany
CAPTION:Hells Angels in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Gary Moore photo. 
hells angels, kelowna motorcycle, hells angels club, british columbia, crime police, tattoos, people, men editorial news, realworldimage, stock photography, gary moore, photo travel.

Hells Angels


Friday, September 30, 2011

Authorities say they have arrested a former Hells Angels leader at a park in Honolulu.

 FBI agents and Honolulu police took Stephen Sanders, former head of the San Diego Hells Angels, into custody without incident in Ala Moana Park on Thursday, Agent Tom Simon said. The 42-year-old Sanders was wanted in California in connection with a 2007 robbery and kidnapping. The Hawaii arrest comes the same day that more than two dozen members of the Hells Angels and their associates were apprehended in a series of San Diego County raids. FBI spokesman Darrell Foxworth told the San Diego Union-Tribune ( ) that the 26 arrests came at the end of a violent crimes task force investigation. Simon said Sanders' arrest on the same day of the raids was a coincidence.

Hells Angel slaying suspect arrested in San Fran


University of California, San Francisco police have arrested the suspect in the slaying of the president of a Hells Angels chapter at a Nevada casino. UCSF Assistant Police Chief Paul Berlin says 53-year-old Ernesto Manuel Gonzalez was taken into custody after he was spotted by an officer just a block from campus police headquarters around 8:20 p.m. Thursday. Gonzalez was apparently in a parked 2011 Chevrolet Malibu. He is being held pending the arrival of police from Sparks, Nev., where he is accused of killing Jeffrey "Jethro" Pettigrew inside a casino on Sept. 23. Authorities say Gonzalez is an alleged member of the Vagos gang and shot the 51-year-old Pettigrew four times in the back. Pettigrew was the president of the San Jose chapter of the Hells Angels.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rejecting the Oncoming River

This is an article I've already written for my campus newspaper called The Vanguard. You can see the Vanguard here.

At 12:00 am on Tuesday Sept. 20, theDon’t Ask Don’t Tell policy of the United States military officially expiredfollowing a repeal after Congressional, Executive and military approval lastDecember.

Since the Obama administration waselected, there have been significant victories for the gay equality movement:government extension of benefits to gay couples, U.S. Census 2020 introductionof counting same-sex marriages, and probe into housing discrimination towardgay couples.

In addition, passport parental genderneutrality was introduced to the State Department and now gay soldiers canserve openly and proudly in the military. Finally, the Justice Department willno longer support the Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage between aman and woman.

On the state level, over the past 4years Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire and New York have all passed legislation orcourts have decided that marriage discrimination is immoral and should beillegal (although these victories are not attributable to the Obamaadministration).

These changes represent the momentumthat the movement is gaining especially as the majority of Americans (a slimone) support gay marriage.

The most recent state to passmarriage equality was New York which did so rather half-handedly. Today the lawthat was passed is being hailed as a possible framework for a national law onthe issue. This, one must solidly reject.

The main concession by pro-gay rightspoliticians was to allow an exemption for religious institutions andorganizations whereby they could discriminate against gays in job placement inorder to protect their religious beliefs.

This brings to light the religiousnature of the largest aggressors against gay equality. Since no respectablescientist would denounce homosexuality (the evidence is overwhelmingly in thefavor of gay rights advocates), religious protection is the only stance left totake.

It is also important to realize thatthe fight isn’t just related to marriage. We live in a country where it isstill legal to discriminate against someone in an interview based on theirsexual orientation, and the list goes on.

With this stance, deniers argue thatyou can’t force a church to accept a gay couple, or a religious organization tohire a gay person because their religious beliefs teach them that homosexualityis immoral.

It bears the question that alwaysfosters circumlocution by opponents of gay equality: Is religious hatred morejustified than secular hatred? To this, the answer is undeniably: No.

A fundamental aspect of ourconstitution, moral system, and judicial precedent holds that everyone isentitled to their own freedoms, so long as they don’t infringe on the freedomsof others; that is where the line is drawn. In this case, this is where it mustbe drawn.

If a religious book teaches someoneto hate or discriminate, it is immoral to apply it beyond the breadth of yourmind and unconstitutional to institutionalize it through personaldiscrimination.You are allowed your religiousconvictions so long as they don’t restrict the rights of others.

The EEOC should be suing an employeror even a priest if he won’t hire a gay person into his religious organizationbecause of the applicant’s sexual orientation. Religious homophobia should beas quickly denounced as secular anti-Semitism.

Marriages today only have a 50%chance of lasting, and yet we find millions of people across this countryfighting for just that; fighting equity in marriage, what straight people haveas an option and throw away ½ the time.

This fight for marriage and jobequality as well as suicide prevention and couple benefits is cemented in thefoundations of this country. In a world of innumerable one night stands and theJersey Shore, gays and allies are fighting for nothing less than love.

Love for themselves to preventsuicide, love to each other to be recognized by the government, and love for expressingtheir passion through a job. If that sounds corny, the so be it.

Gay equality is inevitable, andopponents are rejecting what is bound to come. The poetic lyrics of Bob Dylancome to mind: “Then you better start swimmin’, or you’ll sink like a stone, Forthe times they are a-changin.” This time around, the river is colored withstreaks of the rainbow.

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Danish court jails 15 motorbike gang members for murder attempts on rivals


Danish court has sentenced 15 motorbike gang members to jail for six murder attempts on rival gang members. The court said Thursday the bikers would spend from three to 15 years in prison, following the country’s biggest biker-related trial. Loading... Comments Weigh InCorrections? Copenhagen’s city court ruled earlier this month that members of the Hells Angels and their support group, AK81, were guilty of a series of shootings in the Danish capital in 2009. No one was killed but one victim had his leg amputated. The gangs have been feuding over control of criminal markets, including drug trade.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hells Angels' president killed in Sparks shooting


Police confirm the president of the San Jose chapter of the Hell's Angels, Jeffrey Pettigrew died while two Vagos club members are being treated for their injuries. Sparks Police say a group of members from the Hell's Angels and Vagos motorcycle clubs got into a fight near the Trader Dick's bar late Friday night. Police have made no arrests for the murder or shootings of the other victims.